A little more about us, our passion...

I spent a great deal of time really trying to iron out what we believe.  Why?  Perhaps it's middle age angst, but mostly it's because I didn't want to disillusion either my readers, or myself in where we stand spiritually.  It may seem trivial to some, but to many may be something they find they are struggling with themselves, or even to just help clarify any ambiguousness of who we are, what we serve, and why.

I have found over the years that clarity of faith can be a tough thing. In our years on this Earth, we accumulate many things, and some of them are our carpet bag of wisdom we live by, how we meld them together to create who we are. For one, it truly takes a gift to "only be a 'x'".  This refers I guess to folks that go to church on Sunday, they have been going since they were in diapers, it's their faith and they are content with this. I have seen this with monks, who with their love of Buddha have a single focus towards their faith, without added material from other places.

I have never had a single path that was the only wisdom or focus.  Even as a child, I found that the closest I could find, was my love of nature, that always seemed to literally throw me into a vibratory union withSpirit. The same could be said of music;  I literally have found music touches me to my very core, and literally can get lost for hours in it, either due to lyrics or sound alone.

In journeying, and Dream work, I found there is a union between ecstatic state, a state found by the Sufis in spinning, by Buddhist in Mediation (which I do partake), Hindus in Chanting (same partake), and in Samadhi (a state of complete union of self and spirit/god), which I found I can go into with music/nature, and spent a glorious week in this state uninterrupted.

So are we shamans?  No.  While I can claim a genetic trace to this faith:  my grandfather was from Vardo, Norway; a Saami link in my life, I do not use journey work or soul retrieval as method of working with clients. This path is probably the closest to what I am. I believe in nature, I talk to nature; rocks, giving back--either in tobacco or something, in exchange.  I believe in prayer and drumming.

 Are we Wiccan?  No.  We certainly believe in both Female/Male as Mother Nature, we do not do circle work, asking for God/dess to appear in a ritual.  We do believe in the land cycle of equinoxes, and the cycle of living close to the land.  We do not conjure, nor do cast spells.

Are we Christian? No.  We respect the work Jesus did, we believe in the mystic or "gnostic" idea of Jesus, that "look under a rock, and you will find me.." refers to the fact that Christ nature (anointed one)  is within us, around us, through us, and is us.

Are we Hindu?  No.  I have studied this faith for years, agree with many tenants of this faith, but do not have a guru nor feel that this faith is my only link to God/Oneness.

Are we Buddhist?  No. As that Buddhist have a very strict path, requiring vegetarianism, (which we aren't), recitation of the 4 nobile truths, and so forth.  I do meditate, which crosses paths, I do believe in the AUM mantra, and I have tibetan prayer flags hanging outside.  I revere the Dali Lama, and believe in reincarnation.

Are we New Age?  No.  While many philosophies we certainly believe in, many within new age does not fit our path.  We very much believe in Tarot, Channeling, in Alchemy, in Quantum Physics, in reincarnation, meditation, the power of stones, herbs, chanting, but not in all aspects of New Age.  For one, (I will do a separate post on this), I don't believe 'that we alone create our experience or world'.  Why?  I don't subscribe to the lack of compassion that I have found with this taking in consideration critical thinking. If we alone were responsible (soley) for our world, I have only one name to mention: Hitler.  Why would folks believe that we would be so spiritually bereft we would 'create' catastrophic killing on such a massive level. That is just one example.

I will agree we make our sadness/happiness (how we respond to the world/lessons we learn), but certainly not all the situations we are given, as mentioned above.  What we choose to do about the situations we face, certainly is our responsibility, and I believe when we know better, we do better.  No judgement, no shame.

I have Buddhas around my house reminding me of our divine source, and angels, knowing that i certainly do channel, and have instructed by spirit to keep that door open.  I believe we are spirits having human experience (CS Lewis quote), learning and growing.

I truly thank my fellow spiritual/life partner Raymond, for exploring this journey with me.  We spent a night really going over, what are we?  What do we believe?  In order to get a better grasp on our own spiritual journey and focus.  I think this is a darn good idea.  Often we sway in the wind with what we read, what we hear other's believe, without ever taking an inventory of what exactly do we focus our spiritual development on, what differing paths do we follow and how they interweave in our lives.
I hope you take some time to reflect, that this brings you peace and joy into you
All Peace to you.