Wednesday, June 20, 2012

So It is Solstice....

To find Magic, We Are Open To Magic
How many rainbows do you see?  And how many do you see daily?
Magic comes in unexpected spaces and times.  To find evidence of this magic requires that we are not so caught up in our head, in our daily grind, things going right, things going wrong to actually miss them.  Like a blue imp tonight in Hawaiian shorts, hanging out on a tree over by a night florescent light, sunning himself with red sun glasses, holding a three way sunning reflector.  Many would say I am out of my mind, but then again, if this is so, so be it--at least I have company, because my husband laughed when he saw it also at the same time: shared insanity.

You don't need drugs to see and feel things, (unless you just want to) because the folly of the other worlds are there for us, if we allow ourselves time, being out of our heads to see and feel what is already around us: see the orbs coming off the crystal and around it?  I blew it up so you can....Thanks Michelle UluOla, from WI for this picture, she has so many more of orbs that prove that something is indeed out there she can find with her camera.

If we take the time to know more about the Elements around us, take time to watch mother nature's surprises, we find that there is more to life Horatio, that anyone has ever dreamt of, just by being willing to watch sit and wait.
Nature is wonderful, because it exacts nothing from us: it does not ask to give, but gives of itself. It does ask us to be intelligent when we interact, or pay the consequences!  It does ask us to take time and watch, but then if we do, it gives us a thousand-fold in return.  It does not boast nor brag, it does not compete with us, but allows us to give and take as we are willing.   

So what does this have to do with the Solstice?   Did you know we are at the balance time of the year, where the sun and moon are in equal places with each other?  Where twilight becomes a time in and of itself (metaphorically speaking, if you wish), both prior to the sun rising as well as sun setting.  The best time to converse with the wee folk, which do exist, we only cease to see them, because we are trained out of it; children see all, until we tell them they are stupid, dumb, making things up, etc.

Well, more of a Pillsbury Doughboy than an imp, but he's got glasses!
So time to stop a few minutes re arrange your time for just a little bit.  Go outside and stand near the garden, look sideways to the garden right or left, with your eyes gazed ahead, you may see some patient. Now I know folks say these things don't exist except in children's books, but we say that about anything woo-woo don't we? We try to live in a grown up world, with work, responsibilities, hard heart, hard head, and certainly WALLS...walls to protect us from being hurt, from other's, from ourselves.  Children on the other hand are willing to let anything that is considered 'work' by us, be something to play at.  To enjoy and explore.  No walls.  But a willingness to be silly, joyful, playful, soft hearted, and soft headed (play takes all their concentration, but is open to experience!)

making paper cookies

Of course there is a balance between being child-like and not willing to learn from experience.  Being childlike is an art, that takes the willingness to be open in the moment to joy, to sharing with those you love, to planting a tree spontaneously, because nature needs us to give now more than receive.  To open our mind to all possibilities that allows all things to come back to us; monsters under the bed, ghosts in the shadows, imps playing in trees, gnomes puffing on pipes in the garden, fairies playing amongst our flowers, trees and with our children.

It really is alright to let "work" go for a minute, to let down those walls we hold dear to protect us, and let us see the wonders that exists in our own world; and just maybe, just maybe, we might find happiness as well.

Happy Solstice!

See anything here????
<3 love for the day, Mary


  1. How fun Mary! Working some Solstice Magic for us -you imp!! Happy Solstice my friend:)


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